What is discrimination?

Discrimination implies applying a different treatment towards two or more people who are in identical situations or on the contrary – treating identically some people who are in different situations if such treatment has no objective justification.

For a treatment to be considereddiscriminatory, it has to be based on one of the criteria protected by law, specifically: race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion or beliefs, sex, age, opinion, political affiliation or any other similar criterion.

Ghidul petiționarului


I was refused to rent a ceremony hall because I am a Roma.

Race, colour, ethnic origin

I was refused to rent a ceremony hall because I am a Roma.

I was refused to rent an apartment on the grounds that I have another nationality.


I was refused to rent an apartment on the grounds that I have another nationality.

 I was rejected to take my exam on another day than on Saturday. According to my religious beliefs, I can’t attend educational institution on that day.

Religion or beliefs

I was rejected to take my exam on another day than on Saturday. According to my religious beliefs, I can’t attend educational institution on that day.

Because I am a women, I have lower salary than my male colleague who performs a comparable job.


Because I am a women, I have lower salary than my male colleague who performs a comparable job.

Banks refuse to give me a consumer credit because of my age.


Banks refuse to give me a consumer credit because of my age.

My child uses a wheelchair but his school is inaccessible, that’s why he can’t attend and participate in different extracurricular events.


My child uses a wheelchair but his school is inaccessible, that’s why he can’t attend and participate in different extracurricular events.

My active position has been always expressed publicly towards the corruptive deeds in the X area, but when I apply for relevant services in the X area, I am treated unfavorably.


My active position has been always expressed publicly towards the corruptive deeds in the X area, but when I apply for relevant services in the X area, I am treated unfavorably.

In my homeland party members and the mayor, who is its part, are received in audience fastly, others have to enroll on a wait list.

Political affiliation

In my homeland party members and the mayor, who is its part, are received in audience fastly, others have to enroll on a wait list.

I was denied employment because I am not registered in the location where the worker’s building is situated.


I was denied employment because I am not registered in the location where the worker’s building is situated.

I was refused to provide a notary service because I I am homeless.

Social origin

I was refused to provide a notary service because I I am homeless.

I have been denied admission to the hospital residence because I am HIV-positive and there aren’t special medical institutions for ,,such kind of persons” as I am.

HIV status

I have been denied admission to the hospital residence because I am HIV-positive and there aren’t special medical institutions for ,,such kind of persons” as I am.

Since I  have become a union member my two requests for career promotion were rejected.

Trade union activity

Since I  have become a union member my two requests for career promotion were rejected.

I  was refused to enter in night club because my partner was the same gender as mine.

Sexual orientation

I  was refused to enter in night club because my partner was the same gender as mine.

The employer refused to extend the individual employment contract when he found  out that I was pregnant, but until that news, my contract was constantly being renewed.


The employer refused to extend the individual employment contract when he found  out that I was pregnant, but until that news, my contract was constantly being renewed.

I know the official state language but it isn’t my native. I was refused to be recruited because of my accent.


I know the official state language but it isn’t my native. I was refused to be recruited because of my accent.