Equality Between Generations

Council for preventing and eliminating discrimination and ensuring equality (Equality Council) launches awareness campaign “Let’s learn through dialog between generations” carried out under the joint project of the Council of Europe and the European Union “Supporting National Efforts to Prevent and Combat Discrimination in the Republic of Moldova” part of the Partnership for Good Governance.

Within the campaign, we launch videos where we encourage older persons to lead an active life and youngsters to use different models of dialogues which can eliminate social distance and integrate older persons in social and cultural events of the state.

You can watch long versions of videos and teasers in Romania and Russians languages.

Council’s statics show that criterion of age is one of the most frequent in complaints. Therefore, the importance of this campaign is to promote universal values and strengthen the dialogue between generations.

Together we can change our perceptions in a good sense.

Find our videos on Council’s YouTube channel:
