Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality Honoured the Winners of Gala Award for Equality 2019

May 23, 2019 – Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality has organized for the first time in the Republic of Moldova Gala Award for Equality.

During the event, the Council awarded four individuals/entities for their social impact and actions for preventing and eliminating discrimination as well as for promoting equality and social tolerance.

In the nomination The most proactive NGO there are nominated 5 nominations and the winner is Women’s Law Center, organization founded in 2009, which unites women lawyers from the Republic of Moldova, who advocate for ensuring equality between women and men in public and private life.

The most proactive public institution has become The Centre for Continuous Electoral Training by the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) founded in 2013, which activity focuses on raising electoral inclusion of all persons, especially of persons with special needs and ethnic minorities.

Online news portal MOLDOVA.ORG is the winner in the category The most proactive journalist/media for publishing materials about equality and social tolerance in media space.

In the nomination The most proactive complaint the winner is Natalia Ciobanu for addressing a significant issue of discrimination with collective impact.

At the same time, Council awarded two strength diplomas for remarkable actions in preventing and combating discrimination and ensuring equality:

  • Eugenia Crețu, in the category The most proactive journalist/media
  • Center for Rights of Persons with Disabilities nominated in the category The most proactive NGO.

Each winner was awarded Trophy for Equality 2019 and a certificate of appreciation.

Among jury were also Council’s member: Ian Feldman, Andrei Brighidin, Svetlana Doltu, Evghenii Alexandrovici Goloșceapov, Victorina Luca; Olesea Perean, National Human Rights Coordinator la UN OHCHR, Nadejda Hriptievschi expert in the justice of Legal Resources Centre from Moldova and Olga Vacarciuc, representative of Ombudsman.