Teachers, pupils, and parents in the village Obreja were informed on how to protect themselves from discrimination and to prevent acts of discrimination

On September 16, 2019, the Council members held an information session in the non-discrimination field for the 200 guests – teachers, parents, and pupils who attend gymnasium “Sergiu Moraru ” in the village Obreja, Falesti District.

The event was organized with the purpose of increasing the information level in the field of non-discrimination, as well as insight of the national mechanism competences for protection against discrimination. Carolina Bagrin, Head of the Department of combatting discrimination, presented the basic concepts in the field of non-discrimination, the criteria of protection in terms of the law, the forms by which discrimination is manifested. Therefore, the most relevant issues of discrimination in education field from the perspective of the Council were presented.

The pupils have been involved in the discussion, presenting opinions on the causes that lead to discrimination against vulnerable groups, as well as the consequences of the discrimination in the society, and, together with the Council members have also identified solutions to combat this phenomenon.

Victorina Luca, Council member, encouraged pupils to assert their rights regardless of gender, ethnicity, nationality or health status. “You all have equal rights and you must enjoy these rights, but also remember that your colleagues have rights, so you must respect each other and live in harmony”.

The principal of the school appreciated the responsiveness of the Council and the efforts made to support the seminar. She promised that in the future, the institution will strive to meet the standards of equality and non-discrimination, so the gymnasium could become an example for other state institutions. The activity plan of the institution will establish clear actions to ensure equality, including a participatory way such as consulting with the opinion of all the pupils, parents and teachers. Thus, at the entrance to the gymnasium the box of trust was placed, in which each person, anonymously, will deliver their opinions and proposals to certain gaps on ensuring equality in the educational process. A set of materials in the field of non-discrimination was donated to the gymnasium library, among which the law on ensuring equality in easy to read and understand format, guides for preventing discriminatory manifestations and informative leaflets.

The event was organized due to the implementation of recommendations made by the Council according the decision issued on case № 88 from July 12 2019, where the gymnasium principal was indicated as complainee, and complainant represented a parent of a pupil with a disability, accusing gymnasium administrative authority not to take appropriate actions relating to the accessibility of the educational institution, so that her, complainant’s, daughter could have access to equal basis conditions as all other pupils do.